Season is over !
The General Assembly and the Closing Dinner of our Organization took place. 23 people, representing 10 companies, participated. The "State of the Union" was...
Closing Dinner on November 29th !
The Closing Dinner of our Organisation will take place at restaurant "Maison Rouge" (Saeul) on November 29th. Registrations are required by November 25th....
Once upon a time : Silverlake
During the Fort Knox project, a skunkworks project was started at IBM Rochester by engineers who believed that Fort Knox's failure was inevitable. These...
Echoes of Power11
The Power11 processor is designed to deliver higher clock speeds and can add up to 25% more cores per processor chip than comparable IBM Power10 systems. The...
Countdown to the next event ...
Common Europe Luxembourg is a non-profit association whose objective is to promote the use of IBM products, and more particularly the “Power Systems” range as well as the “OS/400 – i5/OS – IBM i” (or whatsoever IBM decides to call it) Operating System.
This association created in 1983 brings together around thirty companies using IBM Power Systems in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Through regular meetings, we intend to present the developments in the IT world and the technical and structural implications linked to the implementation of new tools in an established organization.
You will find on this site an overview of previous meetings. Lively, friendly and informative, they also allow members to meet and exchange ideas.
A Committee elected by the members is responsible for the program of the meetings. The strictly technical subjects, generally reserved for IT specialists, take the form of technical days or half-days. Other subjects are addressed both to IT specialists and to those in charge of a specific department. Each subject is treated in all its aspects and allows everyone to form their own opinion.
In a word, this association seeks to transmit information on all of the repercussions that the use of a computer tool can have.
Last but not least, registration for this Club represents a budget of only 300 € per year per company and gives access to all the meetings organized by the Local Committee. Do you want to become a Member ?
In addition to these activities, this association is a member of Common Europe, which each year brings together several hundred people for its annual congress. At this event, researchers from IBM laboratories, as well as leading specialists presents no less than 30 topics.
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